Once, on the eve of Passover, Mrs. Tziral entered the house of the late Rebbe Nathan Zt'L and sat down in front of her father and said to him: Dear father, Passover is approaching and we still have nothing to do. the Chag (because his wife, Mrs. Dishel, respected him very much and did not want to weaken his opinion of this in any way, which is why she sent her daughter to say so), the late Rabbi Nathan Zt”L replied to him: 'My home, HaShem will help', "טעכטערל גאט וועט העלפן, and indeed it was so that one of Shlomonu's men who lived far away and was blessed be He, brought A sacred thought that was in his mind, and he thought and said to himself same: “Who knows, perhaps the late Rabbi Natan had nothing for the needs of the Chag,” and he woke up in his heart and went to rent a cart, and filled it with all the good things, potatoes, eggs, wine, matzah !
What did Rabbi Nathan Zt”L do, when on the eve of Pesach there were gentlemen with Chometz in his house?!
Mohorosh Zt”L says Pesach – Part 2 chapter 10:
And he brought it to the late Rabbi Nathan on the eve of Pesach, so as they sat at the table on the night of the Seder, he praised the grace of God, blessed be He, that they bestowed upon him, because he really had nothing, and he turned between his words to his house and said to her: “When I told you that the Lord will help, I did not mean that person,” שט אים גימיינט", saying that he had no confidence in any person or other who would take care of his needs, but I really meant that HaShem, blessed be He, will help as He pleases, blessed be He.
(And in this he instructed everyone that they should trust only in HaShem, blessed be He, who will certainly help, but it is forbidden to trust in a human being, who will help you, or someone else will help you, because human salvation is vain, and you cannot trust anyone, and you must only trust Him, may He be blessed, and not give him advice about what salvation will be like, but just ask Him, may He be blessed, to help you with your holiday needs , and so it was with him for several years, which proved him with great defiance, until it happened that once before Pesach Tziral came to his house and said to him: 'Rabbi, we still have nothing for the needs of Pesach', He answered and said to him: "Thank God we have already drawn water and we already have water for Pesach and just as it was a miracle, the rest will also be a miracle.”
Translated and adapted by A.Yossef Stopa