Rabbi Natan of Breslev Zt’l once said that the Esther fast should be carried with the same weight as Tisha b’av. The custom that Rabbi Nathan had was that he would isolate himself during the period of fasting and imagine Haman himself beating him and feeling the bitterness that the Jews felt at that moment and doing tefilah and crying out to HaShem, when the night of Purim arrived Rabbi Nathan read the megillat with immense joy, eliminating the personal Haman (the Yetzer Hara) and connecting the miracle of Purim with the true happiness of Purim.
May we all eliminate our personal Haman (Yetzer Hara) and also the Haman we have in the world with kindness and by fulfilling the greatest Mitzvah that our Rebbe Nachman Zt’l taught us “Mitzvah Gedolah Lihiot Bessimcha”.
Purim Sameach🥳
Written by A.Yossef Stopa